
Journal Prompts

Anyone that has connected with me before knows how much I swear by journaling. It is the backbone of my daily wellness routine and something I encourage my clients to use as a way of decluttering their mind and connecting with their inner world. But it can be difficult to know what to do when you are not familiar with the process. Journal prompts are a great way to reset, find out what’s bothering you and also to reflect on how things are going. Here are some of my favourites. I will add to these as time goes on but for now enjoy.

General Journal Prompts

These prompts are great to pick from as they often spark curiosity and will allow you to go a little deeper. If, while doing these, you do feel like you want to write more then I would suggest doing some free hand journaling where you just write whatever comes into your mind. You will be surprised what you unlock.

  1. How can I fill my own cup today before attending to others?
  2. The words I like to live by are….
  3. If I could talk to my teenage self, the three thing I would say are….
  4. Make a list of 30 things that make you smile
  5. What do I feel like I need most right now and how can I fulfill that need?
  6. I feel loved when?
  7. What compliment do I want most? Give it to yourself today
  8. Two memories do I cherish most are?
  9. Who and what inspires me? Why?
  10. My biggest strengths are?
  11. What do I need to say no to?
  12. If I wasn’t afraid of failing, what would I do differently? What if success was the only option?
  13. What am I afraid of? Why? How can I support myself to move from this place of fear to a place of freedom?
  14. How can I show myself more love?
  15. What do I need to let go of?
  16. I feel like myself when…
  17. What desires do I need to surrender to the universe to allow them to unfold as they should?

Journal prompts to help with overwhelm

  1. What is causing me to feel overwhelm?
  2. What have I done to help with this situation so far?
  3. How has this helped?
  4. What else do I need/want to do?
  5. How will this help?

Now, prioritise these items in point three above and take small steps to achieving even one of these today. Numbering your to do list in order of importance can really focus you and allow you to leave the other tasks until later in the day/week/year.

When feeling overwhelmed I also like to focus on gratitude . Sometimes with overwhelm we can feel like we are not achieving or do not have enough of something in our life. Gratitude takes us out of our head and in to our heart space.

  1. List three things that you are truly grateful for today?
  2. How do these items support you in your life?
  3. List three things you have achieved in the last month?
  4. What difference has this made in your life?

Affirmation for when you are feeling overwhelm: ‘I trust that all is unfolding just as it should be’ or ‘All in divine timing’

Journal prompts to recap on your week

These are great to use at the end of a week or if you need a midweek reset

  1. What went really well for me this week?
  2. Why did these areas go so well for me?
  3. What would I have liked to do differently?
  4. How can I use this knowledge in the coming week(s) to make improvements in my life?
  5. What surprised me most this week? Why?
  6. How was my behavior towards myself and others this week? Do I need to make any adjustments for the week ahead?
  7. What have I learnt this week?
  8. What do I need support on? How can I get this support?
  9. My my main focus heading into next week is?
  10. Are my behaviors aligned with my goals and aspirations?

If you want to know more about the benefits and my favourite ways to journal then please feel free to check out my IG video below.


Tell me, do you journal regularly? What benefits do you find when you are in the flow of journalling. I would love to hear from you below.

If you want to know how I incorporate journaling into my morning routine then you can check out my simplified morning routine post here.

Thanks for stopping by and happy journaling

Anita xxx

1 Comment

  • Reply
    July 5, 2022 at 6:46 am

    Thanks so much for this listing nice to revisit or when journaling is not flowing some days really allows you to dig deep needed it this week so keep doing what your doing I’m totally inspired as I start my day so thank you

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